Day 273 Refreshing the Heart

September 8, 2015
(If we live with an open and grateful attitude, every day will bring a gift. This is one of 365 gifts during the year I turned 70.)

Each purple bloom is smaller than a dime.

It is so easy to miss little things—like a subtle smile or tiny orchid-like weed blooms mixed in with my azaleas. Although I wasn’t looking for them, I noticed tiny purple blooms each smaller than a dime. The azaleas bloomed long ago and will not bloom again until spring of 2016. Perhaps this is a good time for purple blooming because, otherwise, they would have been missed in the vibrant azalea bushes. 

If I had not taken time out just to walk about and observe, I would have missed this beautiful weed. Sometimes, caught up in quick days, I forget to slow down and look just for the sake of what I might see. Today I was rewarded and most days when I do this, I see new things. Years ago, when youngest daughter Lauren was about 2 ½, I was walking in the yard with her. At her age, everything was an adventure and everything was worth appreciating. At one point, she ran and picked up a knotted twig. “ET,” she exclaimed. Indeed the knotted section with the attached long neck really did look like ET. I certainly would have missed this. This yard walk with a child reminded me to explore like a child. 

I wonder how many small beauties I miss every day.

My gift today is tiny purple blooms.

> Day 274: Nurse Calendars

You can find links to my other posts on this project here:

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